Smart Tweezers and LCR-Reader Battery Replacement Guide

Need to replace your device's battery but don't know which one to buy? Our helpful guide will help you figure it out

Smart Tweezers ST-1, ST-2 and Some ST-3

Non-Rechargeable Models
Smart Tweezers ST2
button batteries

The Smart Tweezers ST-1, ST-2, and ST-3 models use 3 disposable 1.5VLR44 (357A) Alkaline or AirZinc button batteries.

These can be purchased in the LCR-Reader Store in a package of 10 for $14.99 USD.

Smart Tweezers with Inductance Charging

Rechargeable Model
Smart Tweezers ST2 with rechargeable battery
NIMH rechargeable battery

Some Smart Tweezers ST-2 and ST-3 models used a rechargeable NiMH battery. This is used in conjunction only with the STIC Inductive recharging station.

This battery can be purchased in the LCR-Reader Store for $24.99 USD

Smart Tweezers ST-5

Li-Ion Battery
Smart Tweezers ST5
ST5 Battery

Smart Tweezers ST-5 used a 3.7V LiPO rechargeable 150mAH that was chargeable via micro-USB.

This battery can be purchased in the LCR-Reader Store for $19.99 USD.

LCR-Reader and Smart Tweezers ST-5S

Li-Ion Replacement for Newer Models
Smart Tweezers ST5S and LCR-Reader
Smart Tweezers and LCR-Reader battery

LCR-Reader and Smart Tweezers ST-5S use a 3.7V 180mAH Li-Ion battery that can be charged via micro-USB.

This battery can be purchased in the LCR-Reader Store for $14.99 USD.

Need help repairing your LCR-Reader or Smart Tweezers ST-5S? Our Repair Guide will walk you through it.